Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:50 pm ]
Blog Subject:  Pregnancy reflection

Ok so it's not really the end of my pregnancy just yet but I thought I best get this down before I run out of time. I'm how 34 +4 and I have to say other than clearly over doing some days this pregnancy hasn't been too bad. I had nausea in the beginning but no actual sickness and the pelvic pain from about 14 weeks was a real pain if I had a busy day but once I learned my limits it was much easier to cope. Overall it hasn't been too bad really.
I'm slightly afraid of what comes next. It's been so...

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Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:26 pm ]
Blog Subject:  28 weeks with baby number 3

I had forgotten I had this little corner, I'm glad I found it though as today I just need a bit of space to let off steam.
Today I'm tired; physically and mentally and emotionally. It's days like this that I question my own sanity at adding to our family, whether we are doing the right thing, for everyone. How will the older 2 cope? Will I cope? Will J? Or have I just lost the plot and this is going to be a really stupid thing to do?
I don't regret this baby, he is not now and will never be a mistake...

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Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:36 am ]
Blog Subject:  Holly's first cloth

Holly is now 10 days old and I have just put her in a Little Gumnut fitted and Gen-Y wrap. A part of me wishes we had started sooner but I wanted to wait for her stump to come off first which it now has (cord stumps scare me :lol: )
so we will see how today goes and hopefully by the end of the day we will have some idea of what is going to work ...

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Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:05 pm ]
Blog Subject:  Birth Story: Holly Ann Taylor

Holly Ann Taylor born 22.2.2012 @ 17.03 weighing 8lb 6oz, a natural drug free homebirth.

My contractions originally started on 21st at about 4pm, just as I was going to OH's parents for dinner, they were uncomfortable but bareable and by the time dinner was over they were starting to slow down though not easing so I just got on with my usual routine. They more or less disappeared over night so I got in to bed early and thought I best make the most of it as it was probably going to be my last decent...

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Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:46 pm ]
Blog Subject:  40 weeks: my pregnancy in pictures


12 week

14 week (Taken because my normal trousers no longer fit and I want to remember how big I was. ...

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