
Our life with acute myeloid leukemia

Just a diary I'm keeping after we found out on 9th June 2010 (our baby's first birthday) that my other half has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and how we get by (hopefully I'll be better with this than I am with a diary :giggle: )

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Nothing to report

Permanent Linkby 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:28 pm

OK, so to be quiet honest this is pointless blog but you have to keep in the habit with these things. Life has become monotonous and boring and there is NOTHING going on. The nurses at the hospital are being useless so we have no idea what is going on with OH's cancer as they CBA to go on their computer and find his results for us, so now we wait :roll: :roll: hopefully they will be able to tell us in the next few days cos I'm not going to stop asking until I get some answers dammit!


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