Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:50 pm ]
Blog Subject:  Pregnancy reflection

Ok so it's not really the end of my pregnancy just yet but I thought I best get this down before I run out of time. I'm how 34 +4 and I have to say other than clearly over doing some days this pregnancy hasn't been too bad. I had nausea in the beginning but no actual sickness and the pelvic pain from about 14 weeks was a real pain if I had a busy day but once I learned my limits it was much easier to cope. Overall it hasn't been too bad really.
I'm slightly afraid of what comes next. It's been so long since we had a baby and we have routines now and big kids that have their own independence and it's just such a change. I'm actually fairly sure itll all be fine and I know we'll love this baby no matter what and he big siblings are going to dote on him, it's just such a change.
Oddly I'm quite excited for labour, i don't relish the thought of it but after the length or a pregnancy and how long comes after it's such a short space of time.
So here's to a new year and a new chapter, scary though it is :wine: