
Our life with acute myeloid leukemia

Just a diary I'm keeping after we found out on 9th June 2010 (our baby's first birthday) that my other half has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and how we get by (hopefully I'll be better with this than I am with a diary :giggle: )

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Random blogging at 19+3

Permanent Linkby 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:11 am

I have decided that I enjoy my "me" time but recently I have come to appreciate true family time much more. I love the fact that Austin and this new baby will both enjoy a large extended family (from OH's side anyway). We went to visit my mums side of the family yesterday and there are very few occasion's where they can all be found together, they bicker and fight and yesterday ended up with me receiving a telling off from an aunty about never seeing them and how I announce things to the family. The two things in question were my pregnancy and OH's cancer, the latter which I find highly insensitive. The announcements in question were both made on FB, yes there are better ways but we live in a modern world where technology is now the norm and IMO this was the quickest and easiest way to tell everyone. Certainly OH's cancer was not something I wished to tell x people over and over again and the new baby, well as far as I was concerned I had told all of the direct family (OH's and my parents and grandparents) and OH's family had all sussed us out on holiday so we didn't get chance to tell anyone anyway :giggle: .
Anyway, this is a happy blog. OH's family are so different from any other I think I have ever met! Every Saturday we all meet up at his Grandad's and that is 4 generations under one roof! Random family members come depending on who is free at the time and more often than not there are at least 3 under 5 and 7 under the age of 10! Yet aside from the children I don't think I have ever seen a true fall out or arguement :shock: everyone goes on holiday together once a year and gets together at Christmas. It's amazing, they have accepted me in way that I feel so welcome that they are my family now, despite OH and I not being married. I have never met such a group of fab supportive people who just get on. I love my own family very much, but there is no way on Earth you could put so many of them together in one room so frequently and not get fireworks! There are so few children now that will get the joy that Austin and this baby will both get from having such a large, close family and I really hope that I can show them that and they will learn to appreciate what a rare and special thing it is!
Oh, and I am quite happy to put such a sappy post down to pregnancy hormones but it's still true :wink:


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