
Our life with acute myeloid leukemia

Just a diary I'm keeping after we found out on 9th June 2010 (our baby's first birthday) that my other half has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and how we get by (hopefully I'll be better with this than I am with a diary :giggle: )

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Still nothing to go on

Permanent Linkby 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:16 pm

Well the doctors are still not giving us OH's cancer levels. It's getting to be some kind of round-a-bout game. I ask someone who has to ask someone else which takes so long that I've left the hospital and no-one is telling OH much either. We DO know that his white blood cell count has now hit 0 which is a good and bad thing: good because the only way it can go now is up which means he should be able to come home soon, bad because it means he has no immune system and so is likely to have had every infection under the sun by the time he is ready to come home. I am now in super clean mode and trying to get everything as clean as possible for when he comes home so that I don't have to do a monster clean later and I just need to spritz clean all the time. The thing is it has been much easier than I thought to get into a good routine of keeping clean that I am worried about getting lax and thinking how easy it is and letting it go. I do hope that won't happen though as I'm loving how clean everything look at the end of the day :D


3 Comments Viewed 249603 times

Re: Still nothing to go on

Permanent Linkby Woozle35 on Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:13 pm

Am glad oh might be home soon.

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Re: Still nothing to go on

Permanent Linkby JabberJabber on Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:43 pm

:hug: I hope you find some time for yourself too, you sound like you have been very busy. FC that your OH's WBC count comes up soon.

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Re: Still nothing to go on

Permanent Linkby northernruth on Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:06 pm

Bit of a drasitc approach to sorting out the housework, having an OH with cancer :hug:
Hope you can get some answers soon and that he is soon home and on the mend. It's a long haul tho remember, so try to look after yourself as well as everything else

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