Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:10 pm ]
Blog Subject:  The first day

So OH has had his line for his chemo put in today, he has had to have a dual line so they can give him blood and platelets while he is having his chemo. It all feels a bit dreamy at the moment, I've had moments where I have had to stop and question if this is really all happening but I'm guessing it must be as OH hasn't come home yet. We have been told his immune system is no longer working so he may not be allowed home at the weekend but so far the plan is he will come home on Saturday (after blood tests to make sure it is ok) and he will go back on Sunday night/ Monday morning. Transports to Sheffield so that he can have sperm frozen will be done early in the week and the chemo will start mid - late next week. We still don't know what to expect from it all at the moment and I'm a little scared of being Austin's only live in parent for such a long time but at least family are close by if we need to call on anyone, everyone has been really supportive so far but it's one of those situations where you kind of have to all pull together to get by and luckily all OH's family are really close so I am confident it will all work out.
Anyway I suppose I best get some sleep, I just feel so drained atm, I hate to think how tired OH must be :( I miss him so much, it's hard to get a decent amount of visiting time because Austin doesn't like being in the rooms as there's nothing to do and he's missing so much. Our baby is turning into a toddler and he can't be here to see it, I feel worse about it all though when I think how sad he must be that he is missing it and there is nothing I can do except get dragged along by the whirlwind my life has become.


Author:  choccylisa [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:19 am ]

:hug: :hug: :hug: