Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:51 pm ]
Blog Subject:  Yet another waiting game

So this time it's me. Today I went to see the doctor about being tested for Huntington's disease, which runs in my family. I actually came away feeling much better about it, not for myself, I can live with that, for me not knowing is worse than anything else. For the fact that apparently while it is unlikely there is anything that can be done if I have it, it is quite likely that, should Austin get the disease, there will be some sort of treatment. The dr I saw today was much better than any other dr I think I have ever had. He didn't pussy foot about it, he was honest when he told me that it was unlikely they could do anything for me (not what I had gone in for anyway and I didn't expect that they could) and I think I just liked the fact he was brutally honest about how awful a disease it is (something I am already aware of). I think I'm just glad that he did the referral for me and that I might be getting some answers soon.