
No cry sleep solution: Ten day log

Permanent Linkby littlesez on Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:28 am

Before the plan settling took from 7pm til 10pm or until i gave in and got inbed with isobella. She would not sleep in her cot. Nighttime wakings were upto every hour so started the no cry sleep solution on Monday coupled with changing her cot to a toddler bed.


Nap log
Not a usual day due to long car journey
9.30 fell asleep, by car movement,in the car,and stayed asleep for the journey for 3 hours
3pm fell asleep travelling back by car movement,in the car,and stayed asleep for 1 hour

prebedtime routine
5.30pm tea moderate activity,moderate noise, bright light
6pm bath
..........Rob did bedtime and didnt want to talk about it :giggle: so she was still up at 9pm I fed her using gentle removal plan after 3 times she went to sleep beng patted0

Night time wakings
10pm cried, gentle removal plan feeding took about half an hour, stretch of sleep 1 hour
2am cried gentle removal plan feeding took about half an hour, stretch of sleep 3 1/2 hours
9am!!!! shouted up for the day stretch of sleep 6 1/2 hours

nap log
11.10am saw sleep signs so out for a drive, fell asleep with car movement slept until 12.20
2.20 was getting grouchy so headed home in the car again, was settled in car seat at home but woke herself up coughing and couldnt resettle so got up at 3

prebedtime log
5.30 tea, moderate activity,moderate noise, bright light
6.15 play moderate activity,moderate noise, moderate light
6.45 bath moderate activity,moderate noise, moderate light
7pm dressed and then bed calm activity,quiet noise, dim light
fed using gentle removal plan took 45 minutes

Nighttime wakings
10pm cried, rob went up and patted her bum and shusshed after 10 mins fell back asleep, stretch of sleep 2 hours 15
12 midnight cried, I went in did gentle removal plan was asleep after 30 mins stretch of sleep 1 hour 50 mins
??? unknown time repeated
6.30am cried, rob went in tried shush pat unsucessful so came in our bed for a snuggle quick feed and asleep

nap log
12.10pm routed for boob and pulled off just before falling asleep, this was in a busy cafe after swimming slept until 1.20pm This was her only nap as she didnt get tired until later on

prebedtime log
5.30 tea, moderate activity,moderate noise, bright light
6.00 play/bath played in the bthroom and longer bath than usual then got dressed
moderate activity,moderate noise, moderate light
7pm bed calm activity,quiet noise, dim light
fed using gentle removal plan once took 15 minutes

Nighttime wakings
lots of random shouts but not fully awake
12midnight cried, i fed her took her long time to resettle and numerous feeds
1.30am cried, rob went in and took over 40 mins to settle her but she wasnt upset just awake
3am cried and took an hour to settle had to settle without boob as i was too sore after numerous feeds
7.30am cried, up for the day

11.10 slept in the car and then at home until half 12

same routine but mil did it earlier because she was hungry at 5 then was tired by half 6 so i :bf: once she pulled off on her own and settled herself with a bit of bum patting :D

9pm cried hubby settled her with shushing and rubbing
10pm :bf: as bedtime
3am :bf: same
8.30am talked to herself then shouted, up for the day

11-11.30 and 2.30 -3 in car
bedtime routine with nanna same routine but bottle in bed, little cry then off to sleep after a few seconds at 7pm

9pm woke up crying, bum patted back to sleep
2am BF and back to sleep 5am crying rob went in to settle her with no luck so BF and then some bum patting but needed second boob before wanting to go back to sleep.
7.30am chatting then shouted to egt up

10am-11am slept int the car from work to my mums then on way back 3.30-4pm

Skipped bedtime routine as we were out so straight to bed at 7pm when we got in.

Nighttime wakings 2 i think

Woke up at half 7am went for a drive at 11am and slept for an hour then for an hour 3-4. No bedtime routine due to being out until 7. Did not seem tired at all and was walking round the bedroom and playing! finally went off after 3 attempts at half 8.

nightime wakings at 2am ad 4.30 am then up for the day at half 7

Morning nap in the car 10-11am and 3pm til hlf 3.
Bedtime routine back to normal 6pm play, 6.30pm bath and ready 7pm bed. Mum gave a bottle which she didnt finish she pulled off rolled onto her belly herself :)

woke up 3 times in the night before coming in our bed at 5 i think for a feed then back to sleep

Only one nap of 1 hour today but went really quickly to sleep at 7 stayed asleep til 9 had a feed then slept til 2am then up at 7am

one bi nap at 12-2.30
usual bedtime routine
took from 7-8 to settle and 3 feeds
slept til 5am quick feed til slept til half 8 :)
Last edited by littlesez on Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:34 am, edited 5 times in total.


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Re: No cry sleep solution: Ten day log

Permanent Linkby banana on Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:23 pm

I did this with ds when he was a year and got him to get self to sleep without breastfeeding and only patting him to sleep in crib. eventually gradually stopped patting him to sleep by gradually moving out to door each night he was put ot bed and them out of door.

by 16 mths he slept 8pm to 7pm.

Is a long drawn out process that you need patience for but it does work. I combined it with dana sleepsense plan to finish it off.

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Re: No cry sleep solution: Ten day log

Permanent Linkby littlesez on Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:38 am

banana wrote:I did this with ds when he was a year and got him to get self to sleep without breastfeeding and only patting him to sleep in crib. eventually gradually stopped patting him to sleep by gradually moving out to door each night he was put ot bed and them out of door.

by 16 mths he slept 8pm to 7pm.

Is a long drawn out process that you need patience for but it does work. I combined it with dana sleepsense plan to finish it off.

yes thats plan, im happy top feed still for now as we have massive improvement :) but soon we will be looking at making some more improvements. Im ok with the long gradual process because it was either grin and bear it or some kind of CC which is not an option.

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Re: No cry sleep solution: Ten day log

Permanent Linkby banana on Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:26 pm

Good luck with it. It is worth it!! :hug:

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