
Pitter Patter

Permanent Linkby LilMrsAverage on Tue May 18, 2010 8:56 am

Dexter last night for the first time in about 6 months refused to go to sleep and when Daddy brought him down he curled up on my belly and fell fast asleep only stirring when the new baby kicked him :giggle:

- I wonder if he knows, if there is some kind of third sense that we loose as an adult - if when he lays on my belly he knows that inside grows a second miracle, another new life that will grow big and strong just like him. He was just so unsettled and he hates sleeping on us hasn't done it since he was a little baby not a murmur just rolled himself into a ball on my stomach and slept.

I can't consider being pregnant for to long it makes my mind boggle. Oh I know the ins and out I know the chemistry, well biology behind it and still there is something to me so inexplicably awesome about our ability to create life, to me it shows that there must be someone, something out there watching this all happen.

The bit that always got me is that we carry this life for all this time and it is something both at once completely ourself yet doesn't share our exact make up yet the body lets it be. I always remember being pregnant with Dexter and wanting to Kieron to get me something, he asked 'can you not get it?' 'No' I said, 'I'm building eyelashes'....

the most amazing thing for me this time is the not knowing but in a deliciously new way. With Dexter I was having a baby I had seen babies been with babies but I was making my own, a first something completely new, everyday of my pregnancy I knew, every food group, drink, essential oil smell I should avoid, and the hospital was my master

This time I know my limits but I am not as rigid as I was, I understand hospital guidelines, but I understand my body and what it does and my rights. I've done the pregnancy before and this time I dream about how this baby will differ from the boy.... what flavour will it be, what temperament, what will it look like, this time its the little bits that I never considered with Dexter as I did not have a concept of 'my baby' to work from.... such a wonderfully different experience each time!


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RE: Pitter Patter

Permanent Linkby sarahw on Fri May 21, 2010 8:15 pm

aw thats lovely :D

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