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My biggest kept secret

by indigosky2k on Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:22 pm
Well I've decided it's time to share my biggest kept secret. We have been using Elimination Communication with Kacie since she was just a few weeks old :D I haven't shared even on CNT as I think even among my AP friends people will think I'm slightly odd :lookround: ...

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25 Comments Viewed 549680 times

Birth Story: Holly Ann Taylor

by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:05 pm
Holly Ann Taylor born 22.2.2012 @ 17.03 weighing 8lb 6oz, a natural drug free homebirth.

My contractions originally started on 21st at about 4pm, just as I was going to OH's parents for dinner, they were uncomfortable but bareable and by the time dinner was over they were starting to slow down though not easing so I just got on with my usual routine. They more or less disappeared over night so I got in to bed early and thought I best make the most of it as it was probably going to be my last decent...

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4 Comments Viewed 566694 times

No cry sleep solution: Ten day log

by littlesez on Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:28 am
Before the plan settling took from 7pm til 10pm or until i gave in and got inbed with isobella. She would not sleep in her cot. Nighttime wakings were upto every hour so started the no cry sleep solution on Monday coupled with changing her cot to a toddler bed.


Nap log
Not a usual day due to long car journey
9.30 fell asleep, by car movement,in the car,and stayed asleep for the journey for 3 hours
3pm fell asleep travelling back by car movement,in the car,and stayed asleep for 1 hour


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3 Comments Viewed 359077 times


by Twinmamma on Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:18 am
It's Saturday morning and organised chaos is ensuing downstairs while I type away happily upstairs. Saturday morning in our house is Simon's morning with the kids and I am supposed to get a lie in :hohoho:
As I said before, organised chaos, Max and Tom our four and a half month old twins are bellowing and Anna our nearly three year old is racing around declaring that she is the winner of a trophy, and...

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3 Comments Viewed 21083 times

The "Baby led weaning" Diet ;) ;) ;)

by Velvetsteph on Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:19 am
No mummy I absolutely do not like spoons, or food just milk thankyou...

But please will you pass me one of those....

Any bit of paper that's on the floor looking interesting
Your trousers
Isabelle's trousers
Daddy's shoes
Mummy's slippers
That ball looks interesting
Ooooh I can reach the hoover again
Mmmmm tasty jumperoo
Oooooh more shoes!
I wonder what that bumbo tastes like
That tissue box was tasty
Anything Isabelle is playing with ...

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2 Comments Viewed 41752 times