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Lucys adventures in blw

by ericaj1 on Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:24 am
We tried sweet potato chips for tea yesterday and :shock: wow, not one bit of mess. She ate every single one of them really quickly so I can chalk them up as another hit. I'll do her some more for lunch today as they were so quick to do, I just par boiled them for 5 minutes then shoved them in the roasting tray with a small amount of oil. I sneaked a couple in Jack's normal chips too and he ate them...

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i just love terry nappies ;)

by danistark on Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:44 pm
I really do love my terry nappies. My favourite fold is the Chiense fold and I am still using this currently on a 9 month old. I use a Snappi to hold it on and I use Baby Bee Hinds wool covers for nights... with a bamboo booster laid ontop the terry. I could rant about terry nappies for hours so I started a blog about them, and I am going to make some more posts there soon about different sorts of terries, cos a lot of people dont realise that there's more ot terries than just yer granny's non-rare...

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2 Comments Viewed 27940 times

The Ittis are going!

by Twinmamma on Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:21 am
The decision is made. My SIO Ittis are going after one leg leak too many. I have tried all sorts but they just do not fit Max well and I need more nappies that do :(

I'd love to try some Wee Notions but I fear they could get expensive for two (heart decision) so am getting more Real Easies (head decision) which are just brilliant on both of my boys. I have bought a preloved Itti AIO to try as they are just so lovely...

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Isobella Rose and her words :)

by littlesez on Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:15 am
Izzy had always been quite quiet and more physical than vocal. But recently she has been a little chatterbox so I wanted to write down the words she has so far so i can look back and :D At 18 months she could say about 20 words so it really has come all at once i am so proud!

At 20 months
bye bye
see you soon
mimi (mummy)

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9 weeks and "the bog move"

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:24 pm
I am delepoing the theory that the beginning of my "weeks" are ok in regards to symptoms and they get worse as the week progresses. Today has been quite good, possibly also helped by the fact I have snacked more or less constantly but we shall see.
We have attempted night 2 of Austin in his big boy bed as when I took him up he requested, after being put in the cot, to be moved to his new bed but thus far he is still avoiding sleep and opting for he stand at the stair gate and shout approach...

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