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I am that mum.

by luckysprog on Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:32 pm
Can't see this video on your phone? Tap here to watch 7XZRtQDnWpc in your Youtube player

I never thought I would be that parent. You know, the one that thinks their kid is super-smart, developmentally advanced and generally better than most other people’s kids.

But you must see that my kid is a musical genius.
2 Comments Viewed 15357 times

My biggest kept secret

by indigosky2k on Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:22 pm
Well I've decided it's time to share my biggest kept secret. We have been using Elimination Communication with Kacie since she was just a few weeks old :D I haven't shared even on CNT as I think even among my AP friends people will think I'm slightly odd :lookround: ...

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25 Comments Viewed 549540 times

I've had my baby!

by sophDC on Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:54 pm
Lily Annabelle Isla arrivved 4 weeks early bang on 36 weeks, obviously thought she'd steal the llimelight as me and oh had just got engaged :)
I am typing one hand atm, got L in the other arm and I suspect a nappy change is appropriate haha!
So, will update soon and put birth story in the right bit of the forum :wave: ...

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0 Comments Viewed 32035 times

The Ittis are going!

by Twinmamma on Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:21 am
The decision is made. My SIO Ittis are going after one leg leak too many. I have tried all sorts but they just do not fit Max well and I need more nappies that do :(

I'd love to try some Wee Notions but I fear they could get expensive for two (heart decision) so am getting more Real Easies (head decision) which are just brilliant on both of my boys. I have bought a preloved Itti AIO to try as they are just so lovely...

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0 Comments Viewed 12204 times

A truly endless list...

by Slebro on Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:52 pm
Blog post no. 1
I have a to-do list I keep on my phone. Every evening, when my boy finally decides to sleep, I sit down and totally avoid completing anything on my to-do list. These things do not get done during the day as I'm looking after the boy ... if he slept, then maybe I could work through something then but no. Sleep seems to be for the weak. So I think to myself that I'll get some work done in the evening and the evening comes and nothing is done, apart from maybe...

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