Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  Bernadette [ Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:27 pm ]
Blog Subject:  My latest projects

Well it took me a bit, but have just realise that the CNT is back up and running. I did miss it but I did get more sewing and less computer over the last few weeks!!

Ella got her little dress which I was really happy with and fits her brilliantly (back view)


After this, Fin has had 2 more pairs of spiderman shorts (blue & white) and Patrick has had two pairs aswell, robots and spiderman. I have had to alter them for Patrick in order to fit over his big bum!


Two of my friends have asked for some shorts, so they are currently sitting cut out on the sewing machine - hard to sew while kiddies home from school...... and have 2 orders for some dresses!

Have finished one (Daydreamer dress)


Nearly finished a set of shortalls, just need to decide on what colour and size buttons to put on.... I thought red but OH says green.... probably go with red!

Just need to remember I need to train from my half marathon in 6 weeks and cut down on the sewing..... Need to get back my motivation to run run run.......


Author:  deralia [ Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:49 pm ]

wow love the dress at the top, absolutely gorgeous! you're one clever sewing mama!