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- May 2013
Let the journey begin!
   Tue May 21, 2013 3:16 pm

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Let the journey begin!

Permanent Linkby Edit on Tue May 21, 2013 3:16 pm

Yesterday I pre-washed my first 6 cloth nappies, they are on the airer right now (it is really cold here these days so they did not get dry overnight), and tomorrow our cloth nappy adventure begins :yahoo:

But our story started more than 10 years ago when I heard a program on the radio about disposable nappies. I don't remember what they said in that program but I remember very well that I was shocked. Then 3 years ago I read a blog post about modern reusable nappies and I knew that it was what I wanted to do if I would ever have a child. The mummy who wrote the blog post was using pocket nappies and was very happy with them. Personally I haven't seen any before but it sounded great.

Then last year our first daughter was born. She is soon 7 months old and I am only going to start with cloth nappies tomorrow. How can it be? Well, I am not sure either. During my pregnancy many things happened: I lost my job, found another one, but only a temporal one, so at 8 months pregnant I was unemployed again. Also, I had terrible pain in my right leg in the second half of my pregnancy. But the worst was loosing my father and not being able to be with him in his last days (I live 2000 km away, in Spain). And of course I didn't know anyone in person using cloth nappies.

Anyhow, some weeks ago, after lots of hours of internet based research :coffee: I ordered my first 6 nappies:
1 Blueberry Simplex AIO
3 Blueberry Deluxe pocket diapers
2 Bumgenius AIOs


In Spain it is not a common thing to use cloth nappies (I do not know anyone who use them) and they are not too cheap either. So after more "googling" I found cloth nappy tree and the wonderful world of preloved nappies. I have already bought some nappies from some ladies here. They will be here by next week hopefully, I can't wait :mail:

So, the big day is tomorrow and I can't wait for it to arrive! My husband is supportive so far (as long as I do the washing part I guess :giggle: ) and I hope it will stay like that. Will let you know how we are going!
Last edited by Edit on Wed May 22, 2013 7:55 am, edited 2 times in total.


3 Comments Viewed 552586 times

Re: Let the journey begin!

Permanent Linkby JabberJabber on Thu May 23, 2013 7:23 pm

@Edit How did it go?

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Re: Let the journey begin!

Permanent Linkby Edit on Fri May 24, 2013 7:40 pm

It went very well, thank you for asking. No leaking, the nappies did not smell like the disposables do and they look so nice. Today was the second day (we only have enough for ine day). We had some leaking but I am sure it was my lack of experience. Looking forward for having more nappies and being able to use them every day. For night we still use disposable that will be the next step.

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Re: Let the journey begin!

Permanent Linkby WLss on Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:10 pm

Edit wrote:It went very well, thank you for asking. No leaking, the nappies did not smell like the disposables do and they look so nice. Today was the second day (we only have enough for ine day). We had some leaking but I am sure it was my lack of experience. Looking forward for having more nappies and being able to use them every day. For night we still use disposable that will be the next step.

Yes you are right, leaking are usually due to fit. I use bum genius freetime for my son at nursery, although sometimes it is different people changing him, we have so far only had 1 mishap :lookround:

And i think it is better idea to use disposable overnight until you've got enough experience with cloth. :widesmile:

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