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Cloth Nappy Lover
Cloth Nappy Lover
- January 2010
Second Class
   Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:57 pm
Back to tap
   Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:23 pm


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Back to tap

Permanent Linkby FUZZIFAN on Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:23 pm

So I figured I may as well use my blog to document my new healthy lifestyle regime including going back to doing tap dancing.
I did tap as a child and then from 17-24, now I'm 36 and need some exercise.

First class
It's changed so much! Everything is low, modern and fast. It used to be so high up on the balls of your feet, 42nd street style. I enjoyed it but my balance was all over the place (I'm blaming my sinusitus or possibly being much heavier that when I last went) I did just about keep up though. Learn't some steps I've never heard of and most I can't remember apart from the 'toe flam' :hohoho: . Ladies were very nice, huge age range which was great. Teacher lovely and down to earth. The first routine I'm going to learn is to Michael Buble, sad as I am I only know one of his songs!


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