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breastfeeding to carry on or not to carry on??

by khaliandmeadow on Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:26 am
hi all
just wanted some advice my daughters almost a year and im breastfeeding ,bottle feeding occasionally and co sleeping.Im not quite ready to give up on the breastfeeding or co sleeping but need to do something about getting some sleep.She comforts on me all night and when i pull away she crys so i never manage to get into a deep sleep before shes awake.i basically get 4 hours 6 on a good night.Everyone says let her cry it out in her cot but i dont want to jump to that extreme im sooo exhausted...

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1 Comment Viewed 69283 times

Exciting day

by frankie_n_baby on Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:01 am
This morning dh had a reply from the ecological consultancy who coincidentally started offering the same species diagnostics service as dh and I have just started up as a mini business trial. She was perfectly pleasant in her email and, as suspected, they are going to subcontract rather than do it themselves (being ecologists not geneticists). As a bonus, though, she asked whether I'd be interested in more freelance surveying, as they are always on the look-out for more freelance...

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Another shared lesson with my friend

by nic1 on Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:29 pm
Same horse as last time, had great time although it was with the instructor i least prefer.
Did lots of trotting and a small canter too. I was the lead horse this time so friend was following me. :D :D

One piccie here:


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Teething, boobs and ventures new

by loumo on Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:42 pm
Not much chance to blog this week. Kit is teething. Big time. Which means we alternate between nursing strike on one side, gnawing the nipple to bits but not sucking, then screaming in fury when milk dares to drench her, and suckling constantly, even drinking while asleep. Oh, yes, and screaming when the boob goes anywhere else. Each morning is an unknown...will the boob be her only comfort or the butt of her rage?! Will I be lopsided and wishing she'd feed, or drained and wishing she'd stop?...

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the wrong kind of weather

by loumo on Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:22 pm
This blog entry has been delayed due to unseasonable rain. It seems to be April here in the middle of June. Which my brain can't quite handle and so I keep running three washloads per day (let's face it, cloth nappies and blw mean stcks of laundry!) then having to hang it all over the house and keep turning it and checking it...

Anyway, I got the fidget scarflet finished. Bought buttons for it, about which I am yet undecided. Also got a button cute enough for impress...for 10p! Started a second...

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