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The end of weaning?!

by Slebro on Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:43 pm
Well, since I last blogged a long long time ago we have had lots of ups and downs with ds's sleep. As time has gone on, people have been more and more surprised that ds still didn't sleep well (the paranoid part of me says more and more disbelieving) and surprised I was still feeding him, especially at night (a big part of survival, so far as I was concerned). Every few steps forward he has taken towards sleeping for longer than an hour or two have always been short lived and interrupted by teething,...

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My latest projects

by Bernadette on Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:27 pm
Well it took me a bit, but have just realise that the CNT is back up and running. I did miss it but I did get more sewing and less computer over the last few weeks!!

Ella got her little dress which I was really happy with and fits her brilliantly (back view)

After this, Fin has had 2 more pairs of spiderman shorts (blue & white) and Patrick has had...

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The Law of Attraction and Van Helsing

by dominica2dot on Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:16 am

not sure if it is ok to post here but just wanted to share some of my recent reading.
So I had been reading Esther and Jerry Hicks books about the law of attraction as well as Jan van Helsing books. I do not think that van Helsing is really available in English but not sure about that.
I am curious what others think about these books.
I think it is worth reading for sure as it really convinces you that you have responsibility for your own life. Basically, for those who have no idea what the...

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Positive sleep thoughts...

by Slebro on Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:26 pm
After getting into an absolute tizz over sleep, and feeling like a complete failure for not getting my ds to sleep through (or even for more than an hour or so at a time :roll: ), today I don't care :shock: . A shock to not care about my son's sleep, I'm sure you'll all agree, but I've decided I...

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Getting organised

by sophDC on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:26 am

We bought a nice, inexpensive chest of drawers from Ikea on Saturday and after OH made a fantastic roast on Sunday he assembled it. I am so pleased with him and it haha!
The top drawer is the designated fluff drawer, with the storage boxes I bought filled with the nappies, wraps, inserts. boosters. I have to say it looks pretty organised at the moment...I wonder how long that will last!
I do still need to wash a fair few of them, especially the pre-loved ones.
Clothes are in the middle drawer...

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