
89% complete!

Permanent Linkby sophDC on Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:07 pm

35+5, 30 days till D-Day, 89% baked!

Phoned the doctors again this morning just to see if I could get a mw appointment this week ( already got it booked for next week, but I'd rather have a 36w appt when I am actually 36w!), but nope, they are still fully booked :s
I feel baby moving quite a bit, especially hiccups still and little kicks and punches, but these movements are reduced. Think baby is running out of room!

Yoga for pregnancy was fab, just what I needed. As I have just moved to this town from Kent I don't have a friends network readymade, so made lots of contacts and visited a mum of two who lives around the corner from me. She is taking me to baby and toddler clubs so I can meet other mums and mums-to-be. It is also great meeting mums with small babies as I can't remember the last time I have held a baby. It will be a learning curve that is for sure!
At yoga we did an ice breaker and each of us had to give our opinion on when we would ring the hospital, required a bit of thinking haha, followed by some gentle yoga exercises and relaxation breathing techniques which really complement the hypnobirthing techniques I have been doing.

A few days ago I received a big haul of newborn baby vests and baby grows from Claire, so I feel much more prepared, hooray! Been adding to the hospital bag pile of goodies too.
Today I used fabric pens to decorate a plain white baby vest, I did a little 'Simon's Cat' design (I <3 cats!) and fixed the design with an iron so it should be colour-fast now.
Also picked up some pins to help me make some blankets for the baby. I'm using a minky fabric, so they should be nice and soft. OH chose a dinosaur print as he doesn't want his daughter to think she can't like things like dinosaurs and things people mainly associate with little boys, aww.

It is our anniversary tomorrow, so I am looking forward to that and a nice thai meal out, yum yum!


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