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My Nappy Stash

[color=#800080]Until I was introduced by my SIL :twisted: to the new range of cloth nappies I was going to use my old prefolds that have been sitting in the loft for 5 years :hohoho:
After she bought me a whole range of nappies :hug: including the delicious itti and a fluffy tots bot I was hooked!
I then discoverd Weenotions and started collecting my stash, we began with tots and Ittis and a few weenotions,
My Little Honey B is 9 weeks and we know have quite a few nappies,
over the next few days/weeks :hohoho: I will add lists and hopefully piccies of our stash as it was and how it is now!
I love my nappies and am so happy i found them!
My original stash,
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Permanent Link Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:44 pm
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My original stash before Honey was born looked like this


it's all bamboozles 3 itti's and 3 weenotions one size, 1 swaddlebee, Little Lamb and several wraps,

I loved my bamboozles all 40 of them
:giggle: as they were so fluffy and soft

When she was born I loved my weenotions, ittis and swaddlebees the most and bamboozles for bed times,

in the first six weeks we tried all these nappies:
Wonderoos too big didn't like so we sold them
bum genius didn't like the fit or velcro
micro diddys loved these
ellas house bum hugger loved this
Sandys didn't like the legs on these
Weenotions Northern lights love these have 6 now
Itti's love these but get leaks but we have a medium so poss still a bit big have 2 now plus 2 spare inserts
swaddlebees love these have 3 now
dunk n fluff's love these have 2 want more
Muttaquins tried 3SR didn't like these too confusing for me!
bamboo loveables in size 2 like these have 2 now dyed by flutterby
ellas house hemp like this have 1 dyed by flutterby
babeco hemp nappy have 1 dyed by flutterby
weenotions one size have 9 love them
little lamb microfibre loved it but too bulky
bamboozles loved it but didn't love the velcro have none now!

minki love it very slim fitting but not so sure about the leg ok as long as we alternate tho
weenotions quite poofy but great for bedtime
tots bots loved these
upsy daisy love these have 2 waiting for another to be re made!
have quite a few mummy made ones too

this is our stash now

northern lights

wraps, puddlekin and 2 dunk n fluffs love my puddlekin use it as a night nappy at the mo!

mummy made, itti's and bambooty

holden's landing and flutterby these are recent purchases and I love them

bambbo loveables and hemp nappies and my swaddlebees


nearly forgot all my Weenotions One Size Pockets!! my fav's

Last edited by Sally on Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Viewed 37035 times
Your nappies are gorgeous! I love, love, love the skull embroidered one!
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- February 2010
My original stash,
   Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:44 pm

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