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Feeling the terry love...

Permanent Linkby Slebro on Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:09 pm

Despite spending time browsing beautiful nappies ont'interweb and looking through classifieds here :coffee: , I do not own many pretty nappies. We have tuttos (which are pretty enough for us really), a few bumgenius, a lone dream-dri ... and terry squares. These are cheap and cheerful cotton ones from Boots. From early afternoon onwards, each time I change my lo I am almost guaranteed to put him in a terry nappy, normally with our bbos wrap. Perfection. We started off with muslins, then added a booster, but when he needed to move onto terries they were huge on him and I just stopped using them for a while :( . Now he is bigger the nappy and wrap do not drown him, I can fit his jeans over them, they are quick to dry. Love them :love: . I think we *would* take them with us in the change bag and use them more often if they were just a bit, er, smaller. So I am starting to search for thinner yet more absorbant terry nappies... also investigating prefolds as an option... also looking for different wraps... so there is still plenty of scope for online shopping and :mail: !!

I have a vague idea that I will end up buying more wraps and boosters and that that will be that, but who can say?!! :shock:

My dh has told me this evening that I am obsessed with nappies. He may be correct :twisted: although I never imagined I could possibly care so much about what is effectively my child's underwear :widesmile: .

Beyond the state of his nappies, the world is good in Babyslebro-land, and he slept much better last night, only waking up to feed 3 times. This is a dramatic improvement on recent weeks and long may it last :wine: . It makes it possible to think (or type) coherently - good for me, maybe not so good for the rest of you who read my :loopy: thoughts...

ps I tend to use terries from afternoon onwards as that is when we get home from whatever wonderful adventures we have had that day and start to think about tea, and bedtime. Before then we use out-and-about nappies. As my wrap stash increases I may well begin using terries out-and-about. Time will tell!


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