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Permanent Linkby Slebro on Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:06 pm

I don't confess it to most people, although I think they suspect, but at times I am ever so slightly obsessed with my ds's nappies. :D As I consider them to be part of his clothes it's totally justifiable to me, but most other people just see them as ... well I don't know, maybe as something dirty? Whatever they think, I love the fact that we use as few disposables as we can (we don't use night nappies really as they didn't work for us when we first tried and we've not quite managed to try again!) and, er ... oh yes, I love that he's not wearing paper clothes!! So. Due to lack of funds, I actually own maybe a fifth of the nappies I would like, but this is what we have! Compared to the nappies I see on here (like those amazing weenotions pretty nappies), our nappies are really *very* plain and unexciting. But we like them. :lol:

terries / muslins
: I really like using terry nappies as I hear a little kerching each and every time I put him in one ... they are so cheap and simple. Love them.
BBOS wrap: this was too huge on ds when he was little, but has come into its own now he's 6.5 months.
Flip wrap: poppers. Not sure if the leg elastic has gone? Loved it when we got it, but the back flap is a bit small to be really useful.
BG v4: some aplix, some poppers. I love these, although they are pretty wide and we sometimes get leg gape even just with the microfibre inserts. An absolute workhorse of a nappy.
Tuttos: loved these for bf poo as it caught it really well! Struggled to get a fit on them for a while as ds has chunky thighs and they were very very tight, but by upping the rise to maximum they're great again... hoping as his thighs thin down a bit the rise can get lowered again!!?
d'lish: had one in small, one in medium in retro bubbles. Very nice neat nappy, just a bit tight on his thighs :crossbaby:
dream dri: didn't like this at all when he was little, but ok now, though normally left till last (often after terries or muslins).
Totsbots teenyfit: loved this although it seemed to take ages to dry. Gutted when he grew out of it.
Bitti boo: loved this too, although it went crunchy as I don't dry nappies in the drier... tried it as a night nappy but wasn't totally convinced (he was still very small and feeding all night), again sad he doesn't fit anymore.
totsbots wraps: really good, but a bit weird that different fabrics feel different? Didn't like how the mushroom one feels at all, cosmic was good and fitted for ages.
bamboozle stretchy: got this specifically as a night nappy but it wasn't absorbant enough ... he still normally feeds 2 or 3 times overnight and this couldn't stay the distance. Do like it though and use it in the day but it takes forever to dry (as I don't use the drier for nappies) so it's only out every now and again.
bambooty: this is lovely and tiny, but needs boosting to last upto 4 hours. A bit tight on the thighs and hard to get a comfy fit for him... don't think we'll get much more use out of this. :cry:

All in all I'm really glad I got mostly os nappies... sized nappies are so neat fitting but we just can't afford them :( I would really like to get more sized as it's easier to dress him but as time goes on os will seem smaller! :wink:


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