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Another delivery :)

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:55 pm

Today I left the house with my dh to take his car in to get new tyres, which I suspected would mean that I missed the second part of my babykind delivery. Imagine my joy when I read the little package slip to see that the lovely post lady had left my package at the back door! :wine: I didn't have to wait until Monday, after all, and have been cooing over my bamboozles, my blueberry pocket, the swaddlebee pocket and other bits and pieces. I was so pleased and excited that I took a pic of my new stash and sent it to my family. :oops: :hohoho:
Dh also pleased me by moving the bed round so that we have more room in there and make better use of the space, and so I can fit the moses basket by the bedside (which we collect from my sister in a couple of weeks). I still have odds of furniture and storage issues to sort, but it's getting there. I just have to be patient. I want to get those basic preps done so that I can concentrate on getting ready for the birth and battling on for my homebirth. I have decided to do a hypnobirthing course, which I think in the end will be more helpful in my coping with it all than hiring someone external (and a lot less money, too!). It all sounds a bit wacky when you first hear about it, but really is simply about developing confidence and reducing fear and seeing birth as a normal, natural rather than medical event. Positive thinking. 8-) I think it will really help me, and might cross over into other areas of my life. So many women seem to have a negative first birth experience (which can impact upon future births) that I just want to do everything I can to reduce the chances of that happening.
Gosh, the gales and heavy rain we were promised earlier today are finally battering our little town. The wind and rain last night were very bad, too. They even woke us up at 3am.
Well, am rambling aimlessly, so had better stop. :mrgreen:


1 Comment Viewed 35504 times

Re: Another delivery :)

Permanent Linkby Velvetsteph on Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:57 pm

I've got a hypnobirthing CD I was sent by someone on Isabelle's board but I've not tried it yet - she said it does sound a bit wacky when you first listen to it but it really helped her - and she's even used the exercises to get her through dentist appointments etc!
Glad to hear your fluffy post arrived and think it's hilarious you sent your family a pic of them :hohoho:
Sadly my family altho' my Mum agrees various nappies are cute - are of the opinion that they're just nappies... And I'm not really sure what my Inlaws think - but MIL did comment on how soft my bamboo terries were compared with the cotton ones she used...

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