The "Baby led weaning" Diet ;) ;) ;)

Permanent Link by Velvetsteph on Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:19 am

No mummy I absolutely do not like spoons, or food just milk thankyou...

But please will you pass me one of those....

Any bit of paper that's on the floor looking interesting
Your trousers
Isabelle's trousers
Daddy's shoes
Mummy's slippers
That ball looks interesting
Ooooh I can reach the hoover again
Mmmmm tasty jumperoo
Oooooh more shoes!
I wonder what that bumbo tastes like
That tissue box was tasty
Anything Isabelle is playing with :x
Books - they're not for reading they're for eating mummy!

And so on ;) :roll: :giggle:

Actually she is interested in food - provided it's mine... :giggle: :roll: :babyroll: :crossbaby:


RE: The "Baby led weaning" Diet ;) ;) ;)

Permanent Link by mamarozi on Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:23 pm

U just made me smile:)) (actually I'd laugh if there wasn't one sleeping bundle on my couch)

RE: The "Baby led weaning" Diet ;) ;) ;)

Permanent Link by JabberJabber on Thu May 13, 2010 8:49 pm

I love that!