
Lucys adventures in blw

Lucy started solids the blw way at 6 months. We are now 3 weeks in and it's going well so far. This blog will catalogue our successes and failures over the next few months.

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Cloth Nappy Passionata
Cloth Nappy Passionata
- March 2009
Living with a child with severe allergies
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Lucys adventures in blw
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Lucys adventures in blw
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Lucys adventures in blw
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Lucys adventures in blw
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Lucys adventures in blw

Permanent Linkby ericaj1 on Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:33 pm

Lucy is absolutely loving her food now. As soon as she gets put in her highchair she gets all excited. Her favourite finger food is banana at the moment. But avocado and banana mashed together with a bit of ebm is her favourite mushy food. She just can't get enough of it. I can't believe how much easier blw is compared to the standard puree route. I used to spend ages cooking batches of different foods to puree and freeze for Jack whereas Lucy just gets whatever is ripe in the fruit bowl. I do poach her pear and apple lightly so it is softer for her but that doesn't take long at all. I can't wait to get a few more foods into her diet but slow and steady is working well for us at the moment. No allergic reactions to anything yet either which is fab news.




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