
Exploring the wonderful world of cloth nappies!

We started off like the textbook cloth nappy user.

Buying a kit with TB fluffles, TB plain white wraps and a bucket! And although we added a few print wraps to the stash that was it...

...until - I found CNT! :cnthug: Now I am a reality cloth nappy user, and having lots of fun experimenting :wink:

I am shortly to start a picture blog of how to make a nappy, from buying and dying the fabric, to adding the embroideries and appliques, to sewing the nappy up and (fingers crossed) it's first use! :widesmile: Stay tuned...

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19 months and all is well!

Permanent Linkby fivefourfour on Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:15 am

Yesterday Moo was 19 months and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. :bebykiss:

I have finally got a permenent job, and so although money is still tight, the light at the end of the tunnel is bigger and brighter than ever. Training seems to be going well, and I'm looking forward to the new store opening and the real work starting! J's work are opening up a more local branch, and he is in the running to be promoted to Head of Business, so wages should go up and petrol costs should go down! I really have fingers crossed for this, as he is long overdue a promotion to this level.

Moo is full of energy, talking loads and learning new skills all the time. She loves puzzles and books, and her favourite time of day is after her bottle, as I run the bath, she plas quietly with daddy, listening to Classic FM. She's such a good girl. :)

Sleep wise we seem to be hitting a rought patch at the moment. The problem started when her teeth were playing her up a few weeks ago. She was waking up early in the morning and not settling again, so then wanted a nap earlier than normal. She would then wake after only a short sleep because she was hungry, and then wanted another sleep in the afternoon, so wouldn't sleep at night! Bedtime has got later and later - she was still up at 9:20 last night.

So 'today is a new day' and all, and we're starting a new regime! We've been at the park for an hour this morning, and we're just about to have some lunch. I'm hoping she'll sleep well after lunch, and I'm going to limit it to 1.5 hours. Then I'll have my fingers crossed that I can keep her awake until a decent time this evening! :night:

This routine should be similar to the one she'll follow when she's at nursery - we start 'settling in' soon in anticipation for my new shift pattern and I looking forward to it with mixed emotions. I think it will be a very positive experience for her, and I'm confident that it will speed up her social skills and table manners and so on. It also means I get a day to myself once a fortnight, and I'm looking forward to that. I'll have to be disciplined and get the housework done, rather than sit on the sofa all day, but having a couple of hours to myself will be bliss.

Moo's cardiologist has had mixed news for us over the last few weeks, but the latest news has been more positive, and it looks like we won't have to worry about an operation for at least 5 years. I am allowing myself to hope that the worst case scenario isn't a forecast of what is to come, and the big deal issues like her having children, will be resolved before we need to worry about it. For now, I am appreciating how healthy, happy and gorgeous she is!

I had high hopes for 2010, and although it's taken till September to really get going, I still think that by the end of the year, we will be where we need to be...

I should have passed my probationary period at work, and be on a decent, regular wage so budgeting will be easier.
Moo will be settled at nursery and her routine will be firmly established.
J will be working in his new position at the new dealership.
Moo's cardiologist will give us a clear plan of action and timscale for any operations.

This should all mean that 2011 will be the year of :bfp: !!!


2 Comments Viewed 21544 times

Re: 19 months and all is well!

Permanent Linkby usinukveg on Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:17 pm

Congrats on the job and great news on the heart front. Hope all continues to go well.

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Re: 19 months and all is well!

Permanent Linkby fivefourfour on Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:19 pm

Thanks, we're all trying to be positive!

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