
Exploring the wonderful world of cloth nappies!

We started off like the textbook cloth nappy user.

Buying a kit with TB fluffles, TB plain white wraps and a bucket! And although we added a few print wraps to the stash that was it...

...until - I found CNT! :cnthug: Now I am a reality cloth nappy user, and having lots of fun experimenting :wink:

I am shortly to start a picture blog of how to make a nappy, from buying and dying the fabric, to adding the embroideries and appliques, to sewing the nappy up and (fingers crossed) it's first use! :widesmile: Stay tuned...

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A fluffy update

Permanent Linkby fivefourfour on Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:07 am

Well, it didn't take long before I was forced to re-evaluate my stash.

The Ittis were, although slimmish and absorbant, an awful fit once Merry started walking. That, and the hardness of the inserts (rather a cardboard effect that bamboo often has) prompted me to give them the heave-ho, so we were back to fluffles and wraps when at home and WN AI2s when out and about.

Then I discovered Close Parent Pop Ins. :babyroll: Their bamboo was much softer, and seemed to offer a more cushion-y landing than the Ittis. I love the colours and although we use the night time boosters as standard, they are still fairly slim between the legs. The double gusset works wonders and I'm happy with them for the price they are.

We have given up using cloth at night as Meredith gets older, because she is no longer peeing little and often, and so floods the nappies in one go. And as she is grown out of the old stash, I needed to source new fluff - again! :mail:

So, the size 2 fluffles I bought are being re-homed, and the two Bedbugs I used were passed on to the new baby in my life, my godson Owain, along with my size 1 fluffles, size 1 wraps and WNNN.

And then the wonder that is the Tots Bots Easyfit came into my life. I'm pleased that we're still using Tots Bots, as I have a lot of love for the brand. I adore the Easyfits and I'm pleased they work so well. We have a couple of Brights that my cousin sent over from the US, and a couple of gorgeous patterns - Cherrylicious and Magic Mushroom being the faves! They are such lovely prints, and the nappy is uber-slim, yet very absorbant, lasting about 4 hours a go. Daddy and grandparents can manage the applix, and they drive very quickly for bamboo. i'm so chuffed and will be ordering more.

I have also - worryingly - discovered Hyena Cart! I like the idea of buying from small WAHM mums who put a lot of time and love into making their products, so I'e ordered a couple more AI2s, including Leah the Ladybird, part of Holden's Landings new menagerie!! My cousin found an ad in her local paper, by a lady who ran a nappy consultancy, selling off her old demos, and bought me a never been used Thirsties nappy to try.

I have five customs coming in as well, so I'm looking forward to trying some neew nappies, that should be similar to the ones I already use. And I'm getting out the sewing machine to make some nappies myself! :sewing: I have already ordered some minkee and OBV and will be dying some old cotton jersey sheets for the outers, but more of that in a future blog!

In the meantime, I need to do some work to pay for my expanding stash! :wink:

Current stash:

5 x Wee Notion AI2, large, high rise
3 x Easyfit brights
3 x Easyfit patterned
6 x Close Parent Pop Ins
Last edited by fivefourfour on Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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