
Exploring the wonderful world of cloth nappies!

We started off like the textbook cloth nappy user.

Buying a kit with TB fluffles, TB plain white wraps and a bucket! And although we added a few print wraps to the stash that was it...

...until - I found CNT! :cnthug: Now I am a reality cloth nappy user, and having lots of fun experimenting :wink:

I am shortly to start a picture blog of how to make a nappy, from buying and dying the fabric, to adding the embroideries and appliques, to sewing the nappy up and (fingers crossed) it's first use! :widesmile: Stay tuned...

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Cloth Nappy Fanatic
Cloth Nappy Fanatic
- February 2012
Hospital bags
   Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:07 pm

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Hospital bags

Permanent Linkby fivefourfour on Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:07 pm

Ok, so I have six weeks to go, but I can't stand seeing all this stuff in piles all round the house, so I've started packing it up. And no, this does not confirm my husband's belief that I am a control freak!

Labour bag (Ju Ju Be Prepared change bag):
1x Bugga Bugga basic xsmall
1x WN wrap small (choosen as first nappy as they have cord snaps and J designed the wrap!)
1 x TB Teenyfit, green
6 x day of the week vest (please let him not be born on a Tuesday, that vest is in his big sister's memory box!)
1 x green and white stripy babygrow
1 x plain white knitted hat
2 x pairs of scratch mitts
3 x muslins
2 x TT milk bibs
3 x breast pads
3 x CSP pads

Main bag (large black carry-all):
3 x sleepsuits
3 x vests
1 x blue jogging bottoms
1 x knitted tank top
1 x hat and jumper set
2 x knitted dungarees
4 x teenyfits
3 x TB stetchies, size 1
3 x Bugga Bugga basics, xsmall
6 x wraps (fleece/PUL, various brands)

Going home stuff (spotty bag):
Cream/brown dungarees
Cream long sleeve vest
Cream bootie
Brown teenyfit

Loose top

...more to be added


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