Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  fivefourfour [ Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:22 pm ]
Blog Subject:  Nappies!

We are fast approaching Meredith's first birthday (where did the time go?) and have decided to venture out of the comfort zone of TB Fluffles and wraps. Don't get me wrong, I love them, and they have served as well over the last 8 months, but the time has come to diversify. I guess there are three reasons.

:D The first is that Meredith drinks lots of water, especially with her evening meal, and seems to wet quite heavily at night. The fluffles weren't coping as well at night - particularly at the weekend when we all have a lie-in! We ended up using 'sposies at night, which I don't like to do if I can help it.

:D The second is that I am so interested in cloth nappies, and wanted to have some experience using different brands, different tupes etc. My ultimate aim is to set up a charity that promotes cloth nappy use. Let's face it, although they are cheaper in the long run, most people blanche at the idea of spending upwards of £20 on a nappy (I did, until I saw my first rl WeeNotion!). It seems that they are considered quite a middle-class thing and a lot of people still imagine the old kite-shaped sketch of how to fold a terry when I talk about cloth. I'd love to see more squidgy cloth bums out there!

:D The third reason (possibly the strongest) is the little cloth-bottomed green monster that sits on my shoulder! I admit it, I am guilty of coveting my neighbours nappies! I love the look of Fluffles and love hanging them on the line to dry, or changing her in front of people who don't use cloth. The cute-factor is a major plus! But seeing friends' babies in a new WN or BB minky made me feel I was missing out.

So, I have bought some preloveds, and ordered a couple of WNNN and wraps. I so hope I love the fit and feel as much as I love the look. It was a little confusing to decide what nappy, what fabric, etc., so I hope they look as good when they arrive as they do in my head! I already have ideas for other nappies, and if the fit is good, I am planning a special nappy for Merdith's first Christmas! The preloveds have started to arrive so I am slowly getting my head around each type, which needs a wrap and so on, and the WNNN should be here in a few days! I'm so excited! :babyroll:

Current stash:

24 x Tots Bots fluffles, poppered, size 1
3 x Tots Bots white wraps, size 1
2 x Tots Bots strawberry wraps, size 1
1 x Tots Bots green stars wrap, size 1
1 x Tots Bots yellow spots wrap, size 1
4 x Tots Bots fleece wraps, size 1


Author:  JabberJabber [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:21 pm ]

fluffy_mummy wrote: :D The third reason (possibly the strongest) is the little cloth-bottomed green monster that sits on my shoulder! I admit it, I am guilty of coveting my neighbours nappies! I love the look of Fluffles and love hanging them on the line to dry, or changing her in front of people who don't use cloth. The cute-factor is a major plus! But seeing friends' babies in a new WN or BB minky made me feel I was missing out.

We only had TB to begin with and now our stash is quite different. The good thing about getting preloved nappies is that you don't feel so bad about selling them straight on if you don't think that they will work for you. Hope the new-to-you nappies have arrived by now and you are having fun with them.

Kate x

Author:  fivefourfour [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:11 am ]

Kate, unfortunately the new nappies didn't all work out for us, but as you said it wasn't so bad as the nappies we bought were pre-loved. I know for a fact they all went to good homes!

I'm now dipping my toe into the world of WAHMs! At least that's what my husband thinks - in reality I plunged in head first! But I know that the fabrics and styles suit us, so the details and embelishments are really the only unknown element - and what can be bad about a nappy that looks like a ladybird?! :lol: