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Cloth Nappy Addict
Cloth Nappy Addict
- April 2009
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Exciting day

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:01 am

This morning dh had a reply from the ecological consultancy who coincidentally started offering the same species diagnostics service as dh and I have just started up as a mini business trial. She was perfectly pleasant in her email and, as suspected, they are going to subcontract rather than do it themselves (being ecologists not geneticists). As a bonus, though, she asked whether I'd be interested in more freelance surveying, as they are always on the look-out for more freelance surveyors. Bonza! Bless dh for being vocal about doing this to help further my career and mentioning my skills etc. That could be another client! Hmmm, what to say about my impending motherhood... :roll:
Today I am also going to contact my mw and get my name on that home birth list. Woohoo! :wine:


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