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Cloth Nappy Addict
Cloth Nappy Addict
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Feeling lazy

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:24 am

I'm waiting for dh to come back after a night away visiting a work colleague/friend. I could have gone, too but didn't fancy the work-related bit (going round the lab and talking about some new things they're going to collaborate on), and didn't fancy the late night followed by being woken early by their kids. Plus, last time we left the cat overnight he pooed on the kitchen floor, despite having a clean litter tray (protest poo) :hohoho:.

I eventually gave up on sleep at about 8:30am when dh very sweetly texted me good morning, the cat kept putting his paw under the duvet to give me a bit of "encouragement" to get up and feed him, and the baby was kicking away. I put a wash on, as it's a lovely day out, and fed the cat and myself but now I'm curled up in bed- bliss! Must go and get ready, though, as we have a lot to do this weekend, and I should really do some more work on that report seeing as how I sacked it off late yesterday afternoon as I was so tired and unable to focus.


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