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I should really be in bed but...

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:25 pm

Dh has had an email from an academic acquaintance about a job at the uni of York, which has just come joint top in the country for biology, (and 8th in the country generally, only one below where he is now) and which seems tailor-made. He's thinking of applying, since there's nothing to lose.
I am psyched that I finally got to speak to my mw and sort out my next appointment, given that I've not been seen by anyone for 10 weeks, and that the consultant didn't tell me to make an appointment to see my mw at my GPs for my 16 weeks. Had I not phoned her, I wouldn't have been seen until 28 weeks- a whole 15 weeks since my last antenatal appointment! :shock:
She also was more positive about a hb for me, and we are just waiting to see how the ECG goes on Sat, before I get my name down on the list. The weight that has lifted as a result of knowing that I don't have to struggle to organise it myself! :D
I am sooo looking forward to the birth now, and feel almost like something exciting, like my own birthday is coming up.
Hey ho, all is going well this time, and I am hopeful for a very positive outcome. Now if I can just keep my sister and MIL from finding out about my hb plans... :twisted:


9 Comments Viewed 155717 times

Re: I should really be in bed but...

Permanent Linkby Velvetsteph on Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:22 am

Ooooooooooooh it would be FAB if you moved to York - you'd be miles closer to us!! (plus I'm from York originally, and my parents and sister live there!!)

And oh dear... Are your sister and MIL not fans of the idea of a home birth? :?

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Re: I should really be in bed but...

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:31 pm

Oh, really? That'd be cool! Mind you, even if he gets it and gets the right salary and position sorted (there is usually haggling and the post as advertised is slightly less senior than his present one), it'd mean moving in about September, and going through all the costs of switching energy/broadband etc suppliers, and when you are in contracts, that gets expensive! Mind you, there are relocation expenses.

My sister was the one who said, before I was even pg, "you know, you'll prob have to have a caesarean" and MIL "I think it's illegal with your first"! Am especially keen not to let MIL know. It's mad, all these women have had bad hospital experiences, and some have even had really positive home birth experiences, and yet they don't support my choice. My mum does, thankfully, and the more we chat about it, the more she seems to relax about the idea. Everyone's just worried about me, and I just know my sis would harp on about the pain and how I prob won't be able to cope at home, and how I'd be risking my baby's life.

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Re: I should really be in bed but...

Permanent Linkby Velvetsteph on Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:46 pm

I thought the comment on your facebook page about epidural was hilarious... :babyrolleyes:

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Re: I should really be in bed but...

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:57 pm

Oops! I hope it didn't sound rude! :? But I have strong feelings about epidural! :lol:

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Re: I should really be in bed but...

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:57 pm

Ah, you mean my friend's comment?

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Re: I should really be in bed but...

Permanent Linkby Velvetsteph on Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:54 pm

Yeah I meant your friend's comments :)

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Re: I should really be in bed but...

Permanent Linkby littlesez on Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:45 pm

just being nosy but what would be the reason for not being allowed hb, just curious. Hope you can, ive just had to go ahead for mine as long as i can make to 37 + weeks which is not long to go!

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Re: I should really be in bed but...

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:27 pm

Hello again! The main reason for referral to a consultant was for being just under the cut off height for referrals (5ft). Their opinion is that I may be a candidate for Cephalo-Pelvic Disproportion, which, in case you didn't know, is basically that they think my pelvis may be too small for the baby's head and or/shoulders to fit through. However, from reading a lot about this, I have discovered that:
a) you can't tell the size of a person's pelvis just by looking at them
b) it's the size of the actual pelvic outlet (hole) that matters
c) because a pelvis moves apart during labour, they cannot tell whether it will or won't move apart enough (and even if it doesn't, and I have CPD, it just means a long labour with no progression, and a mw would advise transferral to hosp in any case)
d) true CPD is very rare, but c-sections often result in cases where women are considered small and
e) any woman, regardless of her size can have CPD, not just smaller women.

They also think that because my dh is tall, it'll be a big baby, but that isn't necessarily the case, and still doesn't mean I can't birth it.

Also, I have a heart murmur, which is pretty common.
Last edited by frankie_n_baby on Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I should really be in bed but...

Permanent Linkby littlesez on Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:52 pm

Yeah how can they tell from height? seems like there is a lot more to it. Hope it goes well with the consultant xx

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