Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  frankie_n_baby [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:23 pm ]
Blog Subject:  leaking and kicking

Well, I am sooo pleased that my little guy is kicking and moving much of the time now. He is fabulous and I can't wait to meet him! The boobs are also getting even more warmed up- lots of night time leaking, which is weird in some ways but cool and oddly normal in others. I can't believe I'll be 6 months pregnant by the 24th Feb.

The nursery is coming on- we have put up the cot, and need to get a mattress for it, but the chest of drawers/changing table is neatly in place and I am putting little clothes into it gradually, as I wash them. It is going to be a lovely room, even tho we're not able to decorate and we don't especially like the decor (rented house) but it's ok. He won't mind, after all- all that cute decoration seems only really to be for the parents' benefit, it seems. We will put a few bold pictures up, things that he will be able to look at at the beginning- for his benefit, really. We've sorted the issue of our own clothing space by getting a lovely slim chest of drawers "slim jim cabinet" in the sale at a local proper furniture store (a non ikea treat for once). Now I just have to figure out where my lovely stash of nappies is going to live! :oops:

I've just looked out of the window and it's snowing again and it looks like it's sticking, too. In Warwick itself there has been no snow for days, but up here the snow has only really properly melted and we still have whole areas of our gardens covered- more than not. Hum.

I am bidding on ebay again tonight- a second hand babyhawk and another birth pool. Problem is we desperately need to go and do the food shop tonight, which will mean missing either one or the other. I'll have to place my maximum and hope for the best on the babyhawk, then I'll be back in time for the pool (hopefully).

I've now paid for my fab pixieknits, so they should be with me in all their technicolour glory soon :mrgreen: