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new thoughts

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:24 pm

While browsing the list of WAHMs and looking at various products, I am again wondering about washable sanitary wear, and mooncups. Not sure about whether the mooncup is right for me, and wondering about the many different pads available. For some time I'd been wondering about all those unpleasant disposables (pads and tampons) and how they end up, and how damn much we have to spend in a lifetime for something that's not in any way in our control. It seems unfair that they cost so much, apart from anything else. I will see how things are after the birth and after things settle a bit.

Bleugh! Acid reflux city, thanks to the mac cheese lunch. I am also close to dozing off, although we had a good night's sleep and went to sleep about 10:30, it's still not been enough to recover what we've lost. I just feel more tired over the last few days as baby has been growing a lot, I think. I am prepared to accept the hellish lack of sleep with a new baby and afterwards, with a toddler and child, but wish my sleep disturbance hadn't started so soon into my pregnancy.
I'm off to get the gaviscon.


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