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Oh the wonderful world of cloth nappies!

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:04 pm

Well, I was in the mood to start a blog today. I joined CNT last week and am already spending too much time on here :wink: Still, it's all in the name of research, don'tcha know? I am so grateful that Steph started a thread asking people for feedback and help on some questions I had about cloth nappies- being a complete novice- it has helped SO much. I am amazed at how quickly just going through suggested lists of nappies and doing searches for the brands and styles mentioned has really helped me get my head around what they all are and to navigate through the maze of options. And I'm still just scratching the surface!
On Saturday, following the success of our unexpected pram purchase (again, I researched it all before we even went and looked at a pram, and it made such a difference), I decided to take the plunge and order the bulk of the nappies that I had whittled down and decided on. I know that it's unlikely that they will all work out for us, but I'll have more to compare for the future. My nappy order so far includes (and I post this with a sense of trepidation in case people say "you did WHAT?!", altho I know everyone's so nice on here that that wouldn't happen, or they'd say it politely :lol: ) :

10 little lamb size one cotton (poppers)
2 little lamb size one bamboo
5 luxury terry squares (if these are no good, they'll be used somehow)
3 nappy nation bamboo terry sq 50x50
3 nappy nation bamboo terry sq 60x60
1 blueberry onesize pocket minki cow print w/poppers
1 swaddlebees Econappy onesize w/poppers in periwinkle
2 totsbots bamboozle size one w/popper
1 totsbots size 1 wrap, green stars
2 ultraslim fleece liners (more liners needed for terrys etc)
1 pack nappi nippas (to put me on)

Am also planning/considering:

5 pack mother-ease btp natural cotton
4 pack rikki wraps, patterned
2 bumgenius one size pocket in grasshopper (this is a deffo!)

I am concerned about getting too many cotton and not enough bamboo, and whether to try more aplix style rather than poppers. Also, don't want to end up with too many btp, and find they don't work for us or won't fit until much later. So, will see how my growth chart does as my pregnancy progresses, and think about getting a few newborn and maybe some more size ones, since I am such a tiny person, I may not have an 8lb-er to start (tho maybe that's wishful thinking). On another note, if I do look to be having a smaller baby, that will get the darn consultants off my back and make it easier on me in getting my homebirth without too much fuss on their part. Just have to wait to see what my ECG reveals about my heart murmur, but am not concerned about that, as I had it all checked out years ago.
Some of the more expensive nappies may turn out to be a good economy in the end (e.g. bumgenius). I am trying to get ones that have generally had good reviews. I need to look into wraps and liners more, I think. I'd also like to try and find out more about terrys, as I think they will be especially good for a newborn.
Ho hum. Better go tidy this messy house. The cat (and dh) keeps bringing in clots of that lovely Warwickshire clay and treading it into the carpet. And I never got round to cleaning the fish tank, although now I've caught up on sleep, it should all be easier. Ha! Am also making the most of my being able to sleep and do other things when I want, and only havig myself to worry about. Not for much longer! I can't wait! :mrgreen: :babyboy:


2 Comments Viewed 40692 times

Re: Oh the wonderful world of cloth nappies!

Permanent Linkby clothmama on Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:01 am

Frankie, that sounds like such a great list - really!! I found aplix way too bulky on a nb and didn't start liking it until Louis was nearly a year (to the point where I unpicked the aplix on my turquoise Bamboozle as it came through the door!!). Also found poppers fiddly on tiny baby especially at night half asleep - defiantly my fave option for size 1 was nippa nappies, so quick and easy once you get the hang of it! Rikki wraps are great too!

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Re: Oh the wonderful world of cloth nappies!

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:35 pm

Hi Tory! Yes, am really enjoying cnt, thanks! I had forgotten when I wrote this that LL only did aplix or nappi nippas, and meant to order nappi nippas, but when they arrived they were aplix. Oh well, I can try and see, and always unpick ;)

Good tips, thanks, and it's a relief to hear that my nappy list sounds ok :)

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