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Cloth Nappy Addict
Cloth Nappy Addict
- April 2009
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Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:50 pm

My lovely little boy woke we again at about 5:25am, after a late night. :lol: I just couldn't get back to sleep after that until moments before the alarm went off. I was just getting breakfast when my boss/colleague's (am technically self employed) wife called to say that he wasn't well so we'd have to postpone the job today, which suited me fine. Shame he's unwell, tho.
Shortly after brekkie, I went back to bed but then got two calls on my mobile from the hospital (ignored the first) asking whether I wanted to change my follow-up appointment from feb to Jan, right after the ECG, so I said yes. I was just dropping off again when the door went and I got two packages. I had been wondering whether it'd be my next lot of nappies but instead it was a top from my mum and a very early birthday present from my sister of two pairs of maternity jeans and a gorge calendar. She has been so thoughtful. Such a nice surprise :D
Was going to go to yoga tonight, but knowing how much hard work it is and how out of condition and tired I am...Oh well, next week.


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