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Cloth Nappy Addict
Cloth Nappy Addict
- April 2009
Time ticking on
   Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:17 pm

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Time ticking on

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:17 pm

I had a massive lie in today to make up for the late nights and early morning when my SIL and co were here. I am so not looking after myself sleep-wise. I keep promising myself a nap during the day when I do end up getting up early after a bad night, but never make it. And I am so useless at going to bed. It's often gone 10:30pm when I actually make move, and it's usually gone 11:30pm when I get to switch the light off. It doesn't help that hubbie doesn't come to bed until gone 11:30pm. He often comes up and reads, or has a shower. He always says he's never ready to come up early, and yet he's always tired. :roll:


Yesterday was very happily spent spending some of my last pay cheque on things for me and the baby- just the basics, no cute clothes or toys or anything like that. I still have to get decent-sized washable breast pads, change mat (going for the ones off the nappy lady), nappy bin, buckets for the birth and the liner for the pool. I am so excited about meeting our baby son :babyroll: , but at the same time will be gutted to not be pregnant any more. :pregnant: I think I'm also getting blown away and a bit nervous about the immensity of it all. I was like that before our wedding, too, but that was (so far) the best thing I ever did. I think there'd be something wrong if I was blase about it!

I've let my hypnobirthing practice slip a little over the last couple of days, mainly due to visitors and having so frequent and intense antenatal classes. Well, rather hubbie and I haven't always been doing the practice together. There's also the perineal massage to start now. So, looks like our evenings are going to be full, though not as full as they will be soon! We also have to go and get the cot mattress and a few other bits from Ikea one night this week.

On Friday we are off to the theatre to see the Royal Shakespeare Company production of A Winter's Tale. It's an early birthday celebration. I turn 30 this month. I don't think I'll ever be able to have such carefree birthdays after the last one, spent miscarrying and being rushed to hospital the next day. It's also a pity that the day we found out also happened to be my best friend's birthday, so I'll remember that date for other reasons, too. I suppose over time it might not be too bad. :|

I feel a bit shakey right now- must be the large decaf coffee I just had! There are still loads of stimulants in it.

Well, I'd better go and hang out the washing, late as it is. It might get some drying time.


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