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Venturing into the exciting world of woolies!

Permanent Linkby frankie_n_baby on Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:54 pm

Well, dh is also very taken with the idea of woolies, and I am v excited. I will be looking at ordering some shorties for out little guy (as it will be summer by then). I may also order longies... :twisted: It's so exciting :lol:

I had another light sleep last night, after a late night at the local Bat Group AGM. However, dh made my day by saying that he'd work from home today, meaning I didn't have to get up so early to drop him off before going to work myself. The site visit went well. We found evidence of bats and nesting swallows in several of the buildings (barns and workshops). Dh has the poo, to go off and get DNA out of, so we can confirm the species. We hope that the business will take off. Already my boss/colleague is very interested. It does, however, seem that someone has leaked the news of our plans and tried to preempt us, but since dh has a purpose-built lab and years of experience and the clout of the university behind him, we think it'll be ok.

Yesterday I had been upset because my little bump boy hadn't been moving very much at all, but late last night and today he has really made up for it. :D I can't wait for weekend to go to visit my family and let my mum feel him kick (she didn't get chance last time, as he was that bit smaller and his movements not as reliable). Also, I get to collect the cot, clothes, monitor, breast pump, steriliser etc from my sister. I can't wait to see my nephews, too, and perhaps they'll be able to feel their baby cousin move >:D< My elder of the two nephews will be doing his first ever tae kwon-do grading on the Sunday, so I will be very glad to see him before that. Dh and I both used to do tae kwon-do, which is how we met. There's a chance that our instructor will be the examiner for the grading.
Gosh, it's all happening.
Also yesterday, dh got results back from a lab that he had sent some of his work to, to get DNA amplifications done (on a larger scale than can realistically be done in his lab) and the results are brilliant- the best of his 20 year career, ad could be front page of the biggest science journals before long. It's ground-breaking news about our agricultural history, going back to 4,000 years BC. All very cool. I've never heard him so excited! I really hope it all works out as he works so darn hard, and academic science is so back-stabby and political. There's no denying this, though.

Right, I had better fill up the bird feeders, and maybe have a nap :wink:


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