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g murphy
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- February 2011
bad week :-(
   Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:22 pm

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bad week :-(

Permanent Linkby g murphy on Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:22 pm

Well where to begin?

My nan and step grandad live in a little mountain village in spain ( http://mapq.st/hYIzg8 ) They have lived there for about 10 years now and have stayed very active up to the past few weeks.
My nan has had a few bad kidney infections in the past few weeks and has been sent to a&e 3 weeks ago ( where within 4 hours she was seen, had CT and ultrasound scans, Xrays and blood and urine tests and got the results). SHe was sent home on anti biotics and painkillers. Then a week ago the pain was that bad that it took her an hour to walk the 100 yards to the drs surgery in the village. The dr sent her to the hospital again and this time kept her in.

On tuesday (15/02/11) we found out that she had secondary bone cancer but that they didn't know where the primary cancer was. they were doing more scans and transfering her from the renal consultant to the oncology consultant.

My mum flew out today (17/02/11) to spend some time with her and to support my grandad. my Mum has just rung to say that they have found the primary cancer!!! it is breast cancer, but instead of being in the breast tissue ( and there fore picked up by the mammogram that she had in december) it is stuck to her chest wall.. She has to be moved to a bigger hospital an hour away but at least we all know what she is fighting now! xx

i am so upset as i have always been a nannies girl! i just hope and pray that she is well enough to attend our wedding in october! it will not be the same without her! Also being a nurse i get to see the 'bad' side of having cancer and especially boney mets.


3 Comments Viewed 10603 times

RE: bad week :-(

Permanent Linkby Woozle35 on Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:47 pm

:hug: :hug:

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Re: bad week :-(

Permanent Linkby g murphy on Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:51 pm

thanks hun. i am trying to think positively now. xx

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Re: bad week :-(

Permanent Linkby clothmama on Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:45 am

:hug: Gemma, so sorry to hear that news. I agree sometimes I dont' like knowing the things I know already. I really hope she gets a good prognosis and she can be with you in October :hug:

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