
Our life with acute myeloid leukemia

Just a diary I'm keeping after we found out on 9th June 2010 (our baby's first birthday) that my other half has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and how we get by (hopefully I'll be better with this than I am with a diary :giggle: )

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Pregnancy reflection
   Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:50 pm

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38+3 The impatience has passed

Permanent Linkby 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:07 pm

Last week was terrible, I could not sit still and was absolutely desperate to have bub, but it seems to have settled now. I am definitely ready to meet her, and ready to not be pregnant but I'm not going bonkers now :giggle: I am happy that she will come when she is ready. I am getting plenty of "still pregnant", "no sign yet then?" questions but I just smile and nod and remind people...

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This isn't really a pregnancy blog

Permanent Linkby 0_Lisa_0 on Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:55 pm

Except maybe that my emotions are worse than they would be if I wasn't :pregnant: .
I am feeling a little hurt today, maybe it is needless but either way I think I need to get it out or it will eat at me. I would like to think that for the most part I am not very demanding, for example when asked what I want for Christmas I have told everyone I have no idea, therefore I am not particularly...

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29 weeks

Permanent Linkby 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:23 pm

I feel a need to get ready for baby. I don't know why. I have bought my hospital things, I *think* I have got everything for my hospital bag. I think I need to start packing, I feel a *need* to get on and do things but I really want to slow down and enjoy this Christmas with Austin. I can't believe I have less than 80 days until my due date, baby's clothes are all ready, even though we still need to pick up a couple of things I feel like we're getting there but something is missing. Picked up a...

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Permanent Linkby 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:31 pm

I have been so lazy with this blog, I wish that I had written more! This pregnancy has been much the same as Austin's though and uneventful, which is far from a complaint but it does make for an uninteresting journal :giggle: .
So we are on the home stretch, the final trimester, less than 3 months left eek :eek: ...

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Permanent Linkby 0_Lisa_0 on Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:19 pm

I can't believe that on Friday I will only have 14 weeks left of this pregnancy, and a good 4 weeks of that can be written off in the run up to Christmas as we just won't get time to do anything. We haven't started on babies room yet, we haven't started to put things where they need to be, we have barely started with her shopping. I just feel so unorganised. I know that it will all fall in to place and we will be ready but at the minute this pregnancy feels like it's running away from me a bit. It...

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