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Cloth Nappy Disciple
Cloth Nappy Disciple
- July 2010
My biggest kept secret
   Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:22 pm

+ September 2009
+ June 2009

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My biggest kept secret

Permanent Linkby indigosky2k on Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:22 pm

Well I've decided it's time to share my biggest kept secret. We have been using Elimination Communication with Kacie since she was just a few weeks old :D I haven't shared even on CNT as I think even among my AP friends people will think I'm slightly odd :lookround: ...

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BLW - The first week

Permanent Linkby indigosky2k on Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:55 pm

Tuesday 22 Sept 2009
After not seeming at all interested in eating yesterday today Kacie was very interested. I made cheesy beans and potato wedges for me and put 2 wedges on Kacie's plate. She seemed to know these for her and got excited at the plate when I put it on the table. She watched me while I ate mine, wating for hers to cool. Then she grabbed one straight out of my hand and nommed on it :widesmile: ...

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Starting Baby Led Weaning :-)

Permanent Linkby indigosky2k on Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:54 pm

So at 22 weeks we've made the scary decision to introduce some solids :-? I've been feeling for a couple of weeks now that Kacie's interest in food has increased dramaticlly, but I got worried over the whole 6 month thing. She fits the criteria in everyway, but her age. I felt from the NHS literature I was given that it makes it sound dangerous to wean pre-6 months, with the risk of alergies and chest...

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Kacie Claire - Everything I've Ever Wanted

Permanent Linkby indigosky2k on Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:00 pm

Well I'm always starting blogs and never keeping them up, so I'm not even going to suggest I might :lol:

Kacie Claire was born on April 17 2009, after 49 hours in labour and every intervention short of a c-section :cry: My little forceps baby weighed 7lbs 12ozs, though she was a little blurry on the scales...

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