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Kacie Claire - Everything I've Ever Wanted

Permanent Linkby indigosky2k on Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:00 pm

Well I'm always starting blogs and never keeping them up, so I'm not even going to suggest I might :lol:

Kacie Claire was born on April 17 2009, after 49 hours in labour and every intervention short of a c-section :cry: My little forceps baby weighed 7lbs 12ozs, though she was a little blurry on the scales due to her never ending wriggling. Something she started around 12 weeks into my pregnancy and has never stopped :babyroll: The midwives and doctor who delivered her kept comenting on just how wriggly she was.

I'll write a full birth story one day, but just to say this was far from the birth experience I had in mind, although I would go through it all again to have my amazing little girl :D

So Kacie is now 10 weeks old, weighing 13lbs 3ozs, 59cm long. Exclusively :bf: cloth bummed, occasional co-sleeping and with a yearning to wear her more :) I guess I'm quite into the attatchment parenting idea. Kacie is a very happy baby who smiles constantly, though she can cry pretty good too. She loves to see what's going on around her and is intregued by allsorts of shapes and colours. Her favorite colour seems to be yellow, though black and white things really attract her too. She's slept really well from the word go, waking every 3 hours in the first couple of weeks and going straight back to sleep after a feed, but soon going for 4-5 hour stretches.

By 7 weeks we were upto 6-7 hours and this has been wonderful, with the exception of being the likely cause of my periods returning straght away :( However in the last week she has gone back to waking between 3 and 4 and then at her usual time between 6 and half past. I'm not sure if this is the warm weather, the fact I can't get the clothes/bedding combination right so she's to hot/cold, her daddy not coming to bed until 2am and disturbing her or the fact that she only has about 2 inches of space left in her Moses basket. Hopefully it won't last too long and she'll be back to 6-8 hours soon. I like my sleep :lol:

All I've ever wanted was to be a wife and mummy. Though it's been a long time in coming and I'm still learning. It really is the best thing ever. Kacie is everything I've ever wanted and I'm loving watching her grow and learn.


2 Comments Viewed 24641 times

Re: Kacie Claire - Everything I've Ever Wanted

Permanent Linkby yellowdaisy on Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:41 pm

just read this and think its soooo lovely! thats exactly how i feel about my daughter (and my son of course but the way you describe the breastfeeding and sleep patterns etc... thats like my Amelia to a tea! lol)

keep up the blog I would like to read more ;-)

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Re: Kacie Claire - Everything I've Ever Wanted

Permanent Linkby fluffycabbage on Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:36 pm

awww thats very sweet :)

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