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Starting Baby Led Weaning :-)

Permanent Linkby indigosky2k on Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:54 pm

So at 22 weeks we've made the scary decision to introduce some solids :-? I've been feeling for a couple of weeks now that Kacie's interest in food has increased dramaticlly, but I got worried over the whole 6 month thing. She fits the criteria in everyway, but her age. I felt from the NHS literature I was given that it makes it sound dangerous to wean pre-6 months, with the risk of alergies and chest infections.

This week, though I've had to fight for my meals, had screaming hysterics because I've refused to let her have my pork and had food pinched off my plate. She can sit up, take things from a spoon (found this out giving a couple of doses of Calpol last week), puts food in her mouth and everything else. She's also incrediablly hungry. Her feeding has increased a huge amount in the last week and I'm exhausted keeping up with her. She stopped sleeping through 5 or 6 weeks ago and I had a huge list of reasons for this, but none of them made me want to start the solids. It was more to do with her lack of concentration during the day, there's too much else going on, the drop in tempreture, 16 week jabs, the list was quite endless. Now though the dayfeeds are endless and she's still waking 2 or 3 times at night.

So I want to record our BLW adventures, I really hope I can keep it up, it's certainly been fun so far :D

The first taste of something she had was around 15 weeks, when she seemed incredably interested in my apple. I let her have a suck on it and she didn't seem to want to let go. She's had a suck on my apple quite a few times since then. I've made attempts to sit her in highchairs when we've been out, but last week was the first time we've been successful with that, as she's either been tired or hungry before. On the same day I popped a cherry tomato and let her suck on that. Her face was amazing, but she still kept pulling it back to her mouth for another suck :giggle:

I made the decision to start actively BLW yesterday, but unfourtunately was feeling quite fluey myself, so it didn't quite go to plan. She was however feeding constantly, I'm assuming we're having a growth spurt, and getting increasingly frustrated. So I did in the late afternoon break up a banana into chunks and let her have a play with it. Smooshed banana everywhere! :giggle: She did eat some though and this wasn't the first time with banana. I've let her have a hold of my banana a couple of times and she's enjoyed that too. She semed to enjoy having her very own bowl to smoosh it up in too.
Today I made some homemade mushy apple sauce and put a teaspoon or so on her bowl for her to play with, along with a spoon. She enjoyed sucking the apple straight from the bowl :giggle: and even had a chew on the spoon which had some apple on it.

So that's our start. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better myself and I can make something with our meal that she can enjoy playing with and even have a taste of.


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