
Living with the Minis!

A daily-to-weekly account of life with the minis: knitting, cooking, baking, slinging, stressing, celebrating and being mum!

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Living with the Minis.

Permanent Linkby loumo on Tue May 31, 2011 2:03 pm

Ok, so I'm typing this on a spare keyboard as the minis have destroyed several letters from the other one. So far this week we've had poo all over a duvet, toilet paper / paintbrush combo to block the sink and a broken finger. And we've only got as far as Tuesday lunch.

The minis are handily alphabetically named...not 'for the protection of the children involved' or anything, it just so happened we have an A, a B and a C. The least mini, B, is almost six. She goes to school, despite my desire to home ed, because she chose to. She is also a dancer and spends more time out of the house than in it these days. Next in line is A, mainly known as Tiny due to her fondness for the 2nd centile...she is about to turn 3, and boy, do we know it... 'Can I have a real dog, and a real cat, and a real scooter? It's nearly my birthday!' is hollered daily. Then we have C, my little Kitty, who is :bf: at almost 6mths and can't wait to grow up. She had a rough start, we almost lost her and there have been months of uncertainty, but she is doing so well these days.

There's also the Mr...he work with 16-19s, brave soul, while I stay home, :knit: and tend to the minis. I gave up my high stress career back in 04 when we lost our first daughter, and now I spend every minute appreciating the short time we get with our kids...or trying to, the sink unblocking was done with significantly lower levels of mummy adoration...

So back to the blog. I closed my previous blog because it got too widespread, too many people I knew were too close to my life. But at the moment, I think I need a new outlet...and you get to be it. Are you thrilled?! I'd share more, but for now the nursling is asleep and my hand is going numb, so I am off to sling her and clean the bathroom...it's rock and roll, people, try to keep up if you dare...


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