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- October 2009
My first blog post
   Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:55 pm

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My first blog post

Permanent Linkby lulu on Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:55 pm

Hello everyone :idea:

So, after discovering this lovely website a week ago (and several purchases later!) I decided to bite the bullet and start a blog!

I'm not normally good at maintaining blogs but figured that I'll be on here quite alot and so why not give it a go?

I'll be 37 weeks pregnant on Saturday and my little one aka "Bumble Bee" is due on Halloween. Is it bad that I'm hoping Bumble will be born a week early so that I can dress them in a baby pumpkin outfit?

A little about me...

I'm 30 years old and live with my other half Jamie who I've been with for 8 years. We have a German Shepherd called Sasha who is 6 although I still treat her like my little baby. I feel confident that she's going to be good with the baby although I can see her wanting to lick the baby far too much.

I'm a part time vegetarian who has been very slack recently when it comes to resisting chicken but oh well I have to put it down to Bumble taking after their father who is a big meat eater.

I work full time from home for a company based in London and am also self employed doing lots of internet marketing things (if you need any advice to help promote your website - get in touch :D !)

I'm hoping to use washable nappies on Bumble straight away although I have purchased a pack of disposables to take with us to the hospital.

So far I have the following stock:

Bambino Mio's (some given to me and two brand new packs - will not be using the unused ones until I'm totally sure I like them - I've heard some bad reviews about them)
Bambino Mio wraps - they look so cute! - some new and a couple from the forums
1 x Bumgenius - purchased from the forums
1 x Wahmies OS - purchased from the forums
5 x totsbots - my step mother in law (yay I have two mother in laws!) bought an unused pack of five from a charity shop for a £1!!!!
1 x pack of nappy nippas
Terrys nappies - loads and loads that were kindly given to me from a lady off freecycle
1 x motherease airflow wrap - purchased from the forums
1 x motherease rikki wrap - purchased from the forums

So, I have a few things but pretty sure I need more. Also need to start looking at liners also?!

I'm very new to all this so I'm sure I'll be leaving blog posts talking about exploding nappy disasters over the next few months!!! :puke:

Think that's all for this blog post, not sure when I'll do my next but hopefully it will be soon!


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