
Tempestuous Projects


I'm Julie, SaHM to Jake 13, Osiris 10, and Edward 2 :idea:
I'm also a WaHM who creates knitted cloth nappy covers. My little business is called "Tempestuous Poppet" and I'm happy to offer everything from longies and shorties, to soakers, cropped pants, and board shorts, and delightfully girly soaker-skirties. All of my creations come from months and months of pattern development and testing.
During the warmer months I also make cotton "Marisol" skirted swing tops using a licensed pattern.

During December 2008 I proudly launched my "Bluebell Twirler" soakerless skirty.

Here is a link to my Flikr photo gallery of completed custom orders:

Tempestuous Poppet Gallery

This blog is to record some of my crafty projects, most usually knitting, most usually something for a customer. Don't be surprised if you see lots of photos of yaaaaaaaaarn in my blog, I'm a self confessed yarn-a-holic!

Looking forwards to sharing my projects with you all.

Julie x

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Cloth Nappy Lover
Cloth Nappy Lover
- January 2009
January, snowdrops, and a lot of yarn
   Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:31 pm

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January, snowdrops, and a lot of yarn

Permanent Linkby madcatlady on Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:31 pm

The snowdrops in my garden are shooting up into the world again, won't be very long until their flowers come with the promise of Spring approaching.
It's been a cold hard Winter here this year, lots of coal-tits and robins about though, they seem to love perching in the bare Hawthorn and springing up off into the air again.

Winter is a fabulous time to be snuggled up warm indoors of an evening with a ball of yarn and the clicketty of needles working it into something special. My current project is a pair of very special Zebra longies for a customer, and in my spare time (what_is_that?) I've been working on a clapotis for meeeeeeeeee :D

I had a scrummy delivery of yarn in the post last week, a big squishy package from Jimmy Riddles *squeeee* with new colourways and new yarns too! I shall get it photographed this week and add the yarns to my "instock" gallery.

I've also placed an order with Babylonglegs, who is dyeing me some custom yarn colourways in addition to a couple of her new colourways. It's all very exciting :D

November and December were very busy months for me, both at home and as a WaHM.
In December ran a charity auction for a custom slot which raised £51 for the CF Trust, here are the longies I made for the winner:


January is also proving to be a busy month. I made this soaker for a customer using some beautiful yarn, handspun by the talented Spindigo:

and I knitted up these snuggly longies with Babylonglegs yarn, dyed in the "Purple Tempest" colourway she created for me :wink:


and this "Bluebell Twirler" soakerless skirt using Lorna's Laces "Hawaii" yarn:

and for good measure, this....
...is my gorgeous boy Edward helping to decorate the Christmas tree!

Here's to 2009 and being a productive year

Julie x


1 Comment Viewed 15694 times

Re: January, snowdrops, and a lot of yarn

Permanent Linkby Velvetsteph on Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:30 am

Oooooooooh these are pretty!!


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