
Muttleys Musings

Just a random account of me and my cloth nappy addiction (along with baby wearing, extended breastfeeding & extended (in the UK) rear facing car seats!)

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- August 2009
I would NEVER share this on any other blog LOL
   Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:44 pm
I would NEVER share this on any other blog LOL
   Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:33 pm
Why did I do that?!
   Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:52 pm
Must get photos
   Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:47 pm
Play dough.
   Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:42 am
where did i end...
   Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:32 am
Cloth Addiction Admission LOL
   Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:01 pm

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where did i end...

Permanent Linkby muttley on Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:32 am

oh yes, BTPs. They're ok, but still I'm not totally enamoured of them... just the fluffiness LOL.

I have two bitti d'lish snap in ones. I like the trim fit of them. I bought them for the girls for overnights last year at the babyshow in olympia. They wore them ONCE each LOL. I don't know if it's just cause Frederick is looong but he managed to fit right into a large snapped up as tight as possible! I think if I had my nappy voucher again I'd get some more of them instead of the blueberry minkees that I got.

When I had the oldest I was given a couple of days worth of motherease one sizes. They didn't fit her at all at all. I ended up selling them on- and wished later on that I hadn't as in retrospect they'd have worked for her as a toddler! I was never a fan of their wraps though.

I tried a slinky minki at one point too. Can't remember why I sold that one LOL

It came down to in the end, Fuzzi Bunz fit my kids the best. And even today 5 years later I'm using the same FBs that I started with. I've taken some of the smalls out of the rotation now, they'd be good for someone not sure if they want to use cloth, or to use as wraps on a newborn wtih a pf but they're starting to die having gone through 4 kids!


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