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Cloth Nappy Lover
Cloth Nappy Lover
- January 2012
2 years on
   Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:55 am
5 months down the line
   Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:07 pm

+ October 2009

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5 months down the line

Permanent Linkby sezzlebum on Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:07 pm

so 5 months on and we're still in cloth :D
im experimenting with night nappies at the moment, and fleece wraps

so i bought a few bedbugs and a few wnnn old style. i usually use tots bots bamboozes with a mothercare smart nappy trifold insert with a pul wrap which are fantastic btw but i fancied something new lol

first i stuck to the bamboozles and trifold but used a fleece wrap, she was in it from 8 till 8, no leakage :D
the next night my bugs and wnnn had came so i put on a cotton knit outer bedbug and fleece wrap, it was wet through by 1 (from 8) so no match for my tb, i was disapointed :shock:

next night, i tried a obv bedbug, this time i got from 8 till 8 but i had put the trifold booster in with it
night after obv bedbug without my added trifold, from 8 till 8 again.....ah ha success i thought, but i tried the knit one again the next night and she peed through again! :shock:

next was the turn off the wnnn
i cant fault these, were damp but no leakage from 8 till 8,

i think i'll stick with wnnn and obv bugs rather than knits they seem more absorbant but im still using the bamboozles and trifold too as although their bulky, they work better than the actual night nappies and probaly work out cheaper too :D

my stash at the moment:
3 bedbugs
2 wnnn
16 ittis
7 bamboozles
1 mutt
3 cuddlebum wraps
2 fleece wraps

im waiting for:
1 cushie tushie couture
2 bg flips
1 bg v3
2 ittis

i thought id try the bg flips and the v3 and see what the fuss is about :giggle:
im also in the middle of an itti size change over, love ittis i do :giggle:

anyhoo i'll blog more when ive had a go with the flips and v3 8)


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