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Cloth Nappy Lover
Cloth Nappy Lover
- January 2012
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+ October 2009

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In the beginning....

Permanent Linkby sezzlebum on Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:07 am

I'm a cloth convert and now im a cloth addict :giggle:
Aimee was born on August 11th, 2 weeks late, and to begin with we used disposables, i had been curious about cloth nappies but always thought they were to fiddley, probably more messy etc etc

So for the first 6 and a half weeks we used huggies, during that time i researched reusable nappy schemes and found one in manchester, the council offered a free months trial to cotton tails, a nappy laundering service, they bring you clean nappies each week and you give them the dirty ones, and if i dont like it i havent lost anything, so i signed up :mrgreen:
our nappies arrived and they were prefolds, we were also given several wraps to try and shown how to do the Leaky poo fold (which me and OH thought sounded like a street name from Harry Potter... the leaky cauldren, diagon alley, Leaky poo fold...)

well the leaky poo fold didnt really help with the leaky poo lol, Aimees breast fed so her nappies were often leaky but after a couple of explosive poos (and careful listening to her grunts) we settled into the prefold way of life (when i say we, i mean I, OH wouldnt go near them, totally clueless)

I found the prefolds bulky to be honest, Aimee didnt really look comfortable to me, it seemed harder to sit her up, so i started looking around for different types and confused myself several times... pockets, fitteds, aio :shock: what tha heck! lol
i decided on fitteds and then i googled preloved nappies, i found my way to a yahoo group which allowed people to post nappies they were selling, i saw an advert for some Kushies, and i messaged the girl and bought them (i also bought 2 girlie wraps off her :mrgreen: ), in the meantime i found my way here and ooo look theres a classified section :D , my plan orginally was to buy a few different nappies and see which i prefered but that went to pot lol

i had been to mothercare and spent 40quid on a pack of totsbots, they were funky colours and suited Aimee well so i figured this is the nappy for me, i had 4 tots bots and 12 kushies and 2 wraps :D i was so proud :giggle:

then i see a pink geobel on here.... i liked it and bought it
then i see someone selling 5 totsbots and 2 wraps...i bought em
then i bought 2 hot pink totsbots
then i bought 4 more girlie wraps from the lovely girlie who sold me the geobel (and then she goes and bangs a load more up and i sooooooo wanna buy but i cant coz i think OH would murder me)

CNT is not good for easily led nappy addicts :giggle:

i also discovered weenotions............... and bought a ooga booga wrap (pink and lime will add a pic when it comes)

So now my own stash stands as:
    4 organic cotton tots bots
    5 bamboozles tots bots
    2 cotton tots bots
    12 kushies
    1 geobel
    9 wraps

i dont think i need anymore but i doubt whether i need them or not matters lol i gotta feed my habbit after all :D

i havent even used my second weeks supply of prefolds from cotton tails, dont get me wrong their a great company but prefolds arent for Aimee so their going back tomorrow

So thats my first experiance of cloth, im in my second week and have a nice little stash going and we're lovin it :D


1 Comment Viewed 8738 times

Re: In the beginning....

Permanent Linkby proudgrandma on Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:51 pm

hello ..pleased to hear you are collecting a varied stash :-)maybe this will help with further buying ! :idea:
I bought prefolds for one of our grandsons ,he was in the smallest size from birth and then went into terry squares which were rather bulky on him :babyrolleyes: as he didn't gain weight very fast .He is now in disana tie -ons during the day and a terry square at night .The disana are not 'cute' but dry quickly and can be folded neatly to allow ease of movement (he is 10 months old,weighs 18lb and is very active :babyroll: !)and they dry so quickly ! I have just ordered 10 more & at a cost of less than £20 for 10 including postage they are excellent value .

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