
I have set myself a huge pram refurbishment project

Sharing a blog of something non-clothy! I have decided to refurbish Aimie's 1965 silver cross "super Rose" dolly pram and thought I would share it with you all from start to finish. It is going to be a huge job because I am going to be changing the colour of the whole thing.

I hope you enjoy reading all about it and seeing the pictures of the progress I make.

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Sucker for Cloth Nappies
Sucker for Cloth Nappies
- April 2012
The start of the Pram refurbishment
   Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:15 pm

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The start of the Pram refurbishment

Permanent Linkby shoogah01 on Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:15 pm

I have made a start on Aimie's dolly pram (a 1965 silver cross "super rose"

The pram when we first bought it, a gorgeous racing green coachbuilt dolls pram that I bought for £45! the tires need replacing and there is a big dent in the body that the previous owner painted over in the wrong colour so I will be sanding down the body and chassis to the original silver metal and re painting it in purple. the hood and apron need to be replaced because they are very faded and worn with holes in the corners so I have bought new vinyl and hood fabrics to make replacements. Overall it is a lovely pram that I am going to love working on


This week I made a start to work after almost a year of trying to find the right kind of paint for the metal body work, the hood is now off and the fabric has been unpicked so I can use it as a template for the new covering. I chose to recover myself mainly because this shape of hood is no longer made so I would have to get the newer style that I don't like and wouldn't suit the pram IMO

The apron really shows the fading, the green has taken on a yellowish colour from being sat in the sun for a while, it also has a darker section where the storm flap has sat on top of the main apron so it is closer to the original colour

all of the parts of the original hood and apron have now been unpicked and are set to be used as templates, the purple fabric is the new colour. I also have the new vinyl ready to line the whole thing and the paint arrived today :D


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