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Cloth Nappy Wise Woman
Cloth Nappy Wise Woman
- September 2013
A new start
   Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:34 pm

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A new start

Permanent Linkby sim on Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:34 pm

I haven't touched this in ages but need a place to record the happenings of my sleep plan with DS2.
He has gone from being a reasonable sleeper to a totally unreasonable one. Last night (11/9/13) looked like this:

7:00 bedtime feed
8:20 feed
9:30 feed (daddy tried unsuccessfully to settle)
10:50 feed
1:10 feed
3:20 feed
4:46 feed
5:20 feed and up for the day

At least he goes right back to sleep after feeding but this is exhausting me!

So I cracked out the well worn copy of No Cry Sleep Solution and made a plan.
The cot has been hacked into a sidecar (we have been using a mix of cot and co- sleeping) using this tutorial as a guide.

We have a bedtime routine in place so I don't think that's the issue. As far as I can tell, L needs to relearn self settling at night without feeding to sleep.
So, the plan is, where possible, to put L down in the cot awake but sleepy after a feed and then pat him off to sleep lying beside him on the bed . If he is falling asleep during the feed I'll do the Pantley pull off. I have ordered a comforter (plus a spare) to develop an additional sleep association but I didn't want to wait for them to arrive before beginning the new routine.

Step 2 will be the same but without the patting (reducing it to a hand resting on him as an intermediate step if needed).

If needed we can also introduce white noise or nature sounds but I'd prefer not to as DS1 became very heavily reliant on white noise for a time and it ended up being a problem as he'd wake up as soon as the 1 hour track ended!

His daytime naps need work too but that will mostly have to wait a week until DS1 is in full days at school - at the moment the biggest nap disruption is the middle of the day school pick up and a noisy, super interesting big brother!

The first bedtime has gone well - 15 mins from being put down awake to falling asleep, thumb in mouth. :love:

So FC that things start to get better over the next week to 10 days. I'm not expecting miracles, but a small improvement would be nice!!
Last edited by sim on Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Adding success of first bedtime


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